Send browser notifications from your terminal. No installation. No registration.


Please give this site permission to display notifications.

Allow Notifications

Unable to connect to the Notica server.
Attempting to reconnect...


Notica sends a notification to a tab in your browser when ran. It works over SSH and to your phone.

$ long-running-command; notica Finished!

This will wait until the first command completes before running Notica. You can go do things while your long task runs, then you will recieve a notification on any pages that have this website open.

Quick Setup

Run this command:
$ echo 'notica() { curl --data "d:$*" "" ; }' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Now open this page on any devices you want to receive the notifications on:


Curl is required to use Notica.

Add this line to your .bashrc file:
notica() { curl --data "d:$*" "" ; }

Source your .bashrc file to apply the changes:
$ source .bashrc

All done! Now open this page on any devices you want to receive the notifications on:

Notica uses Local Storage to keep track of your unique ID. If you would like to generate a new random ID, click here.


Here are some different ways to use Notica:

Just run it from your terminal:
$ notica

Add a custom message:
$ notica Hello world!

Get an alert when a command finishes:
$ sudo apt-get update; notica Done!

Get an alert when a command succeeds:
$ make all && notica Success!

Get an alert when a command fails:
$ make all || notica Failed!


Bookmark this page! It is unique to the function in your .bashrc file. Notifications will be sent to all open pages with the same ID code in the URL.

Lose the link to this page? Just run Notica again:
$ notica

Use quotes on messages with special characters:
$ notica "This is awesome :)"

Open this page on your phone:


Notica was written by Tanner Collin after he got tired of checking if his commands were done running.

Notica is free and open-source software:

Thanks to exdevlin for thinking of the name. Thanks to all the devs behind Node.js, React, webpack, and